Super Monkey Ball Wiki

Banana Love is the 5th stage and bonus stage of the 3rd world, Sweet Fountain, in Super Monkey Ball 3D.


This stage features a brown, pink, and light orange, heart-shaped platform with dark brown edges and a light brown, brown, and dark brown, banana-shaped platform with dark brown edges adjoined together, hence the name. There are bananas scattered across the platforms. The central sections of the banana-shaped platform are at a slightly lower elevation than the sides of the banana-shaped platform. The heart-shaped platform has red guardrails at times.


Roll along the platforms while getting every banana. Don't roll along the platforms too slowly as it is fairly easy to run out of time if you do.

Super Monkey Ball 3D Stages
Monkey Island Super SimpleTurn RightTurn LeftGrand CurveShellMini SpotBanana RouteRice TerraceHikingZigzag
Aladdin's Castle GardenApproachZero GLarge SquareMagic LampSquare WheelNine CirclesMini SliderLeafArabian Hills
Sweet Fountain Chocolate BarMilky ButterflySwitch BridgeSmooth WhipBanana LoveCake DiveKnife & ForkFlowerBumping SaucerSafe Sugar
Bananightmare JitterbugLonely DrainDark ForestPoison BubbleLanternVampireCross FieldLabyrinthGo HomeKiller Slide
Dragon's Journey Dragon CoilExpanderAction StarThunder GateThe DragonPinwheelDesertDeep MarketFire MountainGreat Wall
Skypolis Twin LoopsBrainThunderBreakthroughAiAiBanana DropMystery CircleHop Step KeepGo RoundSlit Changer
Space Factory Gutter CircuitCosmic WaveSuper SliderBanana CairoGalaxyDangerous BoardBumper HouseSlope ManiaAero PipeTime Lag
Mystic Dome NeedleBigfootRemember ZipangBody to BodySmart BallShooting StarHush FloorCobraStrange RoadKeep Your Line