Bonus Wave is the 10th Advanced and Expert floor in Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball. It is also the 10th Advanced stage in Super Monkey Ball Deluxe and the 50th Ultimate stage with continues (70th without continues).
This stage is a simple platform surrounded by a fence. It has a count of fifty bananas. Once the timer starts, the platform slowly starts rippling, and makes circle-shaped waves, hence the name. It soon gets much harder to control.
Perfect Score Tutorial[]
Starting with the inner circle of bananas, control your monkey using the joystick very carefully. Now, go around the circle of bananas until you get all of them. Then, continue with the outer circle. You only have 30 seconds to do this, so move fast but very precisely.
Changes in Deluxe[]
In Deluxe, the stage has been changed. The platform is noticeably larger, with there being more space around the outer ring of bananas. Additionally, the waves are less intense.