Super Monkey Ball Wiki

Credits, also known as the Credits Minigame, is a minigame available in the Super Monkey Ball series.


In the Super Monkey Ball series, the credits are represented as a minigame. It begins upon completing main game modes, and in some games can be played from the menu as well. The objective is usually to collect as many bananas as possible, although sometimes points are scored some other way.


In Super Monkey Ball[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball.

In Super Monkey Ball's credits minigame, the monkey automatically runs forward through a long straight path with barriers on either side, and the player can move left and right. Hordes of bananas spawn on the path, and as the credits appear above the stage, they drop down onto it, blocking the player's path. Contact with one of the letters causes the player to lose 10 bananas, and knocks the player back a bit. At the end of the credits, the player is given a rating based on how many bananas they finished with.

In Super Monkey Ball Jr.[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball Jr.

In this game, the credits minigame also has the player's monkey run forward automatically. This time, the stage contains no barriers, and has gaps littered around the course. There are also bumpers on the course, and jump panels that let the player jump over gaps. Bananas appear in patterns throughout the course. Falling out or hitting a bumper will result in the loss of 5 bananas, and upon falling out the player will respawn hovering above the course, and can press A to land back on the course again. At the end of the credits, the player is given a rank based on how many bananas they accumulated. The credits appear above the course and don't interact with it.

In Super Monkey Ball 2[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball 2.

In this game, the monkey floats in the middle of the screen, and can be moved around freely in 2D space. The credits scroll downward, as do the bananas which appear in patterns. Touching the letters of the credits will knock the letters down and result in 1 lost banana per touched letter, and letters will not knock the player back, making it easy to run into a bunch of letters at once. Large bananas will spawn in which are worth 10 bananas, and stars will float around which can be collected to temporarily make the monkey large, and immune to losing bananas. At the end of the credits, the player is given some stats, along with a rating based on how many bananas were accumulated.

In Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll.

In this game, 4 monkeys appear floating on the bottom screen, and the player can select one by touching it. The player then has to flick the monkey from the bottom screen up to the top screen to hit the letters of the credits, to score points and get bananas.

In Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz.

The credits game is similar to that of Super Monkey Ball 2, in that your monkey floats in the middle of the screen and can be moved around in 2D space. The monkey is controlled by the Wii pointer. Credits scroll upward, along with bananas. The letters in the credits are solid and will bounce the player around if they touch them. There are also green circular objects which bounce the player around as well. At the end of the credits, the player is given a rating based on how many bananas they collected. There are a total of 300 bananas to be collected.

In Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll[]


The credits minigame in Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll.

In this game, there is a tilt table on the screen, with holes in it with a different pattern for each world. The table can be tilted by tilting the Wii Remote, or using the Wii Balance Board. The credits appear above the table, with the staff names being spelled out with small green balls with letters on them. These balls then drop down onto the table. The table must be tilted to get the balls into the holes, without the balls falling off the edge, to score points. Balls that have been on the table too long will also despawn.

The credits are accompanied by the vocal arrangement that corresponds to the world that was just cleared, which dictates how long the credits go on for, lasting as long as the song that's playing. To compensate for this, the frequency at which the balls drop changes accordingly.

In Super Monkey Ball 3D[]

The credits minigame in this game is a remake of the credits minigame from Super Monkey Ball, except hitting letters only subtracts 5 bananas now, and doesn't knock the player back as much.


  • The music for the Super Monkey Ball credits is reused for the first boss in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD.
  • Likewise, the music for the Super Monkey Ball 3D credits is reused for the ending movie in Banana Blitz HD.