Super Monkey Ball Wiki
For other uses, see Expert Floor 5.

Expert Floor 5 is the 5th Expert floor in Super Monkey Ball Jr.

It is a remake of Floor Slant from Super Monkey Ball, but the slant is less steep, and the goal has been rotated 90°.


This floor features a slanted, mainly square-shaped platform. It has a checkerboard-like pattern applied to it with square-shaped holes adjoining each other diagonally and square-shaped platforms adjoining each other diagonally. There is also a slightly sloped, straight, narrow path with a square-shaped end that leads to the slanted platform. The goal is located at the far, upper-right corner of the platform.

Goal Tutorial[]

To get to the goal, roll along the straight path. Then, land smoothly onto the slanted platform at the very top, and then roll across as few of diagonally arranged, square-shaped platforms as possible to cross over to the other side. Once you are at the goal, roll into it.


Super Monkey Ball Jr. Floors
SMBJr. B icon BE01BE02BE03BE04BE05BE06BE07BE08BE09BE10
SMBJr. A icon AD01AD02AD03AD04AD05AD06AD07AD08AD09AD10AD11AD12AD13AD14AD15AD16AD17AD18AD19AD20
SMBJr. E icon EX01EX02EX03EX04EX05EX06EX07EX08EX09EX10EX11EX12EX13EX14EX15EX16EX17EX18EX19EX20EX21EX22EX23EX24EX25EX26EX27EX28EX29EX30
SMBJr. BX icon BE01 EXBE02 EXBE03 EX
SMBJr. AX icon AD01 EXAD02 EXAD03 EX
SMBJr. EX icon EX01 EXEX02 EXEX03 EX
SMBJr. M icon MA01MA02MA03MA04MA05