- “Clearing a stage will be easier using the Helper Function!”
~In-game description
The Helper Function is an assistive feature in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. It is designed to help players who are struggling with a particular stage to clear that stage and allow them to progress.
The Helper Function has three features to assist the player. These are:
- Doubling the time limit. This allows players to take levels more slowly and not have to worry so much about time overs.
- Displaying yellow, amber, and orange arrows to guide the player through the level. This helps players deal with levels where they're not sure where to go.
- Enabling slow motion. By holding down the indicated button, the player can play the game in slow motion, allowing for more precision on tough levels. While in slow motion, a dark gray filter is applied, and the music is dampened.
The Helper Function is always disabled by default at the start of each new level. To enable it, the player must pause the game and select the "Turn Helper Function On" option from the pause menu. Alternatively, after failing a level a few times in a row, a prompt will appear on the screen asking the player if they would like to enable the Helper Function. If a level has only ever been beaten with the Helper Function enabled, this will be indicated next to the level or level set with a pink heart with "HELPER" written on it. Additionally, certain missions require beating levels or level sets without using the Helper Function.
The Helper Function cannot be used in Ranking Challenge mode. Additionally, using the Helper Function comes with the following restrictions:
- If used at any point during a Challenge Mode playthrough, the player will not be allowed to advance to the extra stages in that set.
- The player will not be able to receive a Speedy Clear or an Extra Goal Bonus for levels where the Helper Function was used.
- Clear time will not be saved for levels where the Helper Function was used.
- Using slow motion appears to alter the physics of the game. For example, on the stage Hollow, if the player holds up the entire time, they will normally clear the gap and make it to the platform with the goal on it; but while using slow motion, the player may fall short.
- When saving replays where the Helper Function was used, usage of slow motion will not appear in the replay. This means the Helper Function can be used to create "TAS" replays.
- In said replays, the speedometer will glitch out during the parts where slow motion was used, and the movement of the player can become jittery.