Super Monkey Ball Wiki
For other iterations of this world, see Monkey Island (disambiguation).
For the starting world in earlier games, see Jungle Island (disambiguation).

Monkey Island is the 1st world of Super Monkey Ball 3D and the only playable one at first.


A mystical forest where ancient ruins sleep. Let your banana-happy adventure begin!
~In-game description

This world takes place at a coastal inlet, surrounded by a hilly landscape. There are some bridges that connect the mainland to a few smaller islands within this inlet. A couple temples and a tower populate the bay. Stages in this area are decorated with palmtrees and stone gates.


Banana Collectible[]

This world's banana collectible is called the Jungle Banana and can be found on stage 8, Rice Terrace.


Super Monkey Ball 3D Worlds
Monkey IslandAladdin's CastleSweet FountainBananightmareDragon's JourneySkypolisSpace FactoryMystic Dome