Super Monkey Ball Wiki

R-Doctor is an alternate version of Doctor featured in Super Monkey Ball 3D, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD and Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania.

Character Description[]

A full-metal, all purpose robot fitted with rollers on its feet. It is perfect for space exploration, but freezes up from time to time.

To Unlock[1][]

In Super Monkey Ball 3D[]

  • Monkey Race - Complete the Sky-Way Grand Prix and come in 3rd place.
  • Monkey Fight - Finish the Bomb Rush series and come in 1st place.

Monkey Fight Statistics[]

The following are R-Doctor's statistics in Monkey Fight.

  • Power: 4
  • Speed: 3
  • Jump: 5

Special Attack[]

R-Doctor's special attack is called Space Laser. In this attack, it sends out a call to a laser, which the attacks the far left, far right, middle left, middle right, and center of the field.


Lasers and bombs will secure your victory!


Main article: R-Doctor/Gallery


Good Guys Heroes AiAiMeeMeeBabyGonGonYanYanDoctorJamJetPalette
Doubles C-AiAiW-MeeMeeA-BabyF-GonGonP-YanYanR-DoctorN-JamB-Jet
Bad Guys Villains Dr. Bad-BoonDr. Bad-Boon's AssistantNaysayersFat CatCaptain CrabuchinProfessor Boscis
Bosses ToriBazooka BaboonYettiDinobotTakoDown-Under DivaYokoCaptain Crabuchin
Cameos SonicTailsBeatKiryuMorganaHello KittySuezoGame GearSega SaturnDreamcast