Roulette is the 5th stage and bonus stage of the 6th world, Ice Lolly Land, in Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll.
This stage features a circular platform with different, colored, circular sections, which are violet, blue, aqua, spring green, chartreuse, yellow, amber, purple, and red. The blue, spring green, yellow, and purple sections spin counterclockwise; the aqua, chartreuse, and amber sections spin clockwise, and the violet and red sections are stationary. The platform increases in elevation from the violet section to the red section. Bananas are scattered across all these colored sections. There are violet sides. There is a bent, rectangular, chartreuse platform with violet sides on which the player starts.
Roll up to the spinning section of banana bunches, and get all its banana bunches. Then, roll down to the nearest spinning section of bananas, and get all its bananas. Repeat this pattern until you have gotten all of the bananas, but also keep in mind that it is hard to stay in one place on the platform as it is sloped.