Super Monkey Ball Wiki
For the Normal version, see Waterwheel.

Wonder Wheel is the 5th stage and bonus stage of the 3rd Advanced world, Snow Town, in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz.


This stage features a light yellow and magenta platform with two large, green and teal and light violet and aqua and amber and chartreuse, circular platforms adjoined to it. There is also a small, amber and chartreuse, circular platform within each of the large, circular platforms. There are bananas scattered across the large, circular platforms, and there are two bananas on the light yellow and magenta platform. The large, circular platforms move up and down. There are vertical, vermilion rectangles next to two amber and chartreuse sections in the center of each of the large, circular platforms. The amber and chartreuse sections next to vertical, vermilion rectangles of the large, circular platforms are at a slightly higher elevation than the rest of the sections of the large, circular platforms. All of the platforms have blue, cerulean, light yellow, and grayish yellow edges.


Roll onto one side of the large, circular platform adjoined to the platform on which you are, and get all its bananas. Then, roll onto the light yellow and magenta platform when it is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, get the two bananas on the light yellow and magenta platform, and then roll onto the side with bananas on the large, circular platform on which you just were. Get all its bananas, and then roll onto the light yellow and magenta platform when it is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, roll onto one side of the large, circular platform with bananas on it, and get all its bananas. Then, roll onto the light yellow and magenta platform when it is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, roll onto the side with bananas on the large, circular platform on which you just were, and get all its bananas.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz Stages
Beginner Monkey Island
Normal Night Island
Clay Temple
Block Town
Advanced Lava Island
Foggy Temple
Snow Town
Cardboard West
Space Wars
Master Time Paradox